What in the world am I doing setting up a blog? I mean, let’s face it now…..what do I have to write about? I’m reminded of the old Seinfeld show when they were writing a television pilot. It was to be a show about “nothing.” And, I suppose that’s exactly what this blog will be about…..nothing, or at least nothing in particular.
I will be the very first to admit that I am nowhere near being a writer or even posing as one; however, I find it quite comforting to put my thoughts on paper. It seems rather therapeutic and I’m not really sure why that is, but for whatever reason it works for me.
Perhaps I just wanted to see if I could actually set up a blog. It appears that other people do it with great success, so why not me? My intent is not that I'll write something for others to see, but simply to entertain myself and maybe down the road, my grandchildren. You see, I'm about to turn 62 this year and as hard as that is for me to believe, it is a fact. I have reached the age of social security eligibility. I'm not sure how that happened since I don't feel 62, more like 42. Besides that, my Wii Fit age is 41. I know, I didn't believe that either but my grandchildren can attest to that because they actually saw it. Trust me, I'm not that fit anymore. Okay, I think you might as well see this first off......I tend to ramble and get off the subject somewhat, chase rabbits or whatever you want to call it. Now back to my original point, I have decided to amuse myself by writing about past experiences. Let me try to explain what led to this decision.
About a year and a half ago I listened to some of my family members talk about this very fun thing to do on the internet called Facebook. They were trying to talk my son-in-law into signing up. They never asked me, perhaps again because of my advanced age. But, my curiosity got the best of me and I found myself searching for this Facebook thing they had talked about so much. Just as a fluke, I decided to sign up for a Facebook account. Almost immediately someone requested to be my friend, and with that initial confirmation I was hooked. Shortly I began receiving requests from friends I had long forgotten or had lost contact with along the way. Many were as far back as my earliest childhood memories, while others had gone to church with me or worked alongside me in some capacity. So many memories came flooding back and I found myself thinking of all the fun times, crazy antics, and tender moments I had experienced along the way. So many of my previous experiences have long been forgotten, but I still can relive some happy times, along with some sadness along the way.
I don't know if my grandkids will ever enjoy reading about the things their Nana did or perhaps didn't do. But, I think I will write them down and let them decide if it's worth reading. So you see, this is why I'm creating a blog; I want to be able to remember the good times while appreciating the lessons I learned from the bad times. Maybe I'll finally see why I'm who I am. Now, that brings up one final thought.
I suppose I should explain the title of my blog......Doody's Dialogue. My best friend calls me Doody, which is short for doodyhead. I'm not real sure what a doodyhead is, but I don't know that it's a compliment. But then, my real name is Barbara and that name means "strange" or "stranger." So, maybe Doody isn't so bad after all. I might also mention that as I was growing up my favorite Saturday morning program was the Howdy Doody Show.....not that the show had anything to do with my nickname; I just thought I'd throw in that little tidbit of information.
So, there you have it.....my first entry into the world of blogging. Wonder what will be next!